Amber- poem

I always like to ask people how they would describe a colour to a blind person.
“Green is touching the grass and facing the wind as it messes with your carefully done hair and laughing out loud.”
“Yellow is smiling so much your cheeks start hurting. Kissing a daffodil.”
“Crimson is being in love, being passionate, being intense.”

All I See is Blue- poem

I’m sailing west and all I see is blue.
All I see is a canvas of waves,
Maybe if I step carefully I’ll be able to dance across the sea to the horizon.

It’s all my kingdom as far as my eye can see,
I hold the world in my fist, it belongs to me and only me,
It resides in my soul- a kind memory.


We are constantly looking back on our memories. They’re arranged in a sort of a scrapbook in our heads. With each event, we narrate a chapter of our lives; decorating each page and ending with a flourish. Only when going through our book do we realize the tiny moments that made us smile. Sometimes it …


The weird thing is that no matter how much you try to remember something, you are bound to forget at least some of it. Some call it age, others call it running of RAM space in the human body, but we end up at the same conclusion. Books are forgotten, stories are half-broken, lives half-lived. …

And – poem

I want to wake up every day And Do everything I haven’t done yet I want to walk with a purposeAndNever lose that I want to fall downAnd Get up again I want to live every momentAndStill be alive I want to savor every second AndCherish every memory I want to do so muchAndAchieve so …