
We are constantly looking back on our memories. They’re arranged in a sort of a scrapbook in our heads. With each event, we narrate a chapter of our lives; decorating each page and ending with a flourish. Only when going through our book do we realize the tiny moments that made us smile.

Sometimes it is playing with toys and losing oneself in all the singing. Or letting yourself go wild and shouting out in the wind. Maybe it’s the feeling after you watch a movie and the moment when it all sinks in. Maybe it’s holding hands with someone and jumping up and down or laughing at a bad joke till you cry or screaming your throat sore to a song.

We all have these moments. Filled with joy, happiness, a fleeting feeling of a happily ever after. We often let these moments go, make space for new ones. It’s not possible to hold on to so many scrapbooks and memories. We run out of space. So the insignificant events slip through the cracks of our minds as we shake them clear.

Years later, an old memory sparks you. You remember the days that made you grin and shake your head and admit that we should make the most of life. The days of your dancing past midnight, driving to nowhere, swaying to music only heard by you.

You can’t bring them back, but bookmark the pages in your scrapbooks. Look back at your memories in hopes of finding bottled up joy. The tiny moments, the little things, will make your eyes twinkle. Capture these moments, while you can.

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Published by milomi10

Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I can’t dream.

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