Amber- poem

I always like to ask people how they would describe a colour to a blind person.
“Green is touching the grass and facing the wind as it messes with your carefully done hair and laughing out loud.”
“Yellow is smiling so much your cheeks start hurting. Kissing a daffodil.”
“Crimson is being in love, being passionate, being intense.”

Expiry Dates- poem

This is a poem about a group of friends who realise they have to part ways. They all want to pursue different things and won’t be together anymore. Although they’ll be in the same city, they realise it won’t be the same anymore.

Certain Kind of Sadness- poem

There is a certain kind of sadness that resides in
The depths of the world.
The kind that stays hidden till sought,
Concealed in smiles and laughter;
The kind that ventures out in silences and boredom,
Like a hand that reaches out to pat you
But instead grabs you to the deep abyss

Hellos and Goodbyes

Life is full of hellos and goodbyes. We say hello to new friends and goodbyes to old buddies. Cheers to open windows and hugs to closed doors. Our hearts are constantly beaten and mended with every moment in life- and how much ever we think we’ll get used to these rollercoasters, we never do.  We …

Relief- poem

There is joy. After scouring the desert of lifeFor years- in hopes to stumble upon the sea;After finding mirage upon mirage And coming close to losing hope-The sweet touch of salty water embraces you. For a second, you know- there is joy. One second is all it takes to offer Visions of life waiting for …

quirks- a poem

i’m where i started, and where i’m going,and the experiences that have made mewith the people that have moulded me. i’m songs on repeat and full volume,and a head full of dreams i wonder i can chase. i’m also fragments of words trying to coalesce into senseand stars still stitching themselves into constellationsand i’m someone …