Relief- poem

There is joy. After scouring the desert of lifeFor years- in hopes to stumble upon the sea;After finding mirage upon mirage And coming close to losing hope-The sweet touch of salty water embraces you. For a second, you know- there is joy. One second is all it takes to offer Visions of life waiting for …

Don’t Forget

It gets scary sometimes, when you try to repeat something again and again. You say a word twenty times and it sounds like gibberish. You walk the same road often and you forget you’re walking. You read the same sentences, hear the same phrases, feel the same feeling, so many times, and you forget why …

Out of Time

We find a way to make our lives busy. It’s what keeps us going. It’s the drive, the joy, the work, that we somehow enjoy. And when given free time, we make ourselves busy again. Not ready to sit back and do nothing because something deserves your attention. We end up missing our hobbies, our …