my words- a poem

when i was four, i carefully wrote my name in the sand.
my dad held my hand and helped me trace it in two other languages
and i watched the sea gently caressing the shore, but never reaching my name
my name was protected from the rolling waves and the salty foam-
she was resilient.

Running Out Of Ink- poem

What does an author write about once all the flowers have been described? Intricately, touching upon every detail From its attracting nature to the way it tilts to the breeze to the way its petals bleed hues so bright they hurt the eye. Once the author has criticised the way people drive cars and don’t …


The moment we stop thinking, we stop thriving. The moment we stop pursuing questions that haven’t been answered, ideas that haven’t been explored, notions that are out of this world: we are down to nothing. Thoughts will flood your mind and when you sit down in an empty room to think them through, you can …

Conscious -poem

As everything is happening As life is living itself And as I am living life I never am present I might be standing somewhere But my mind wanders beyond life My mind wanders over questions I would dare to ask life There is never really a now As today becomes yesterday Tomorrow becomes today And …