You’re a Sunflower- poem

Someone told me that I’m a sunflower.
I smile too much, laugh too loudly,
I’m yellow.
I’m a living, breathing entity slowly being reduced to
One single flower.
Why does no one tell me I’m a field of sunflowers?
That my beauty is overwhelming,
Unable to be restrained or contained on a single hill.
Why does no one say I’m a sky full of stars?
That my soul spans across galaxies,
My ideas aren’t confined to one planet:
I want to become an entire universe.
I’m not a rock, I’m not a mountain, I’m not a flower,
I’m not a star, I’m not a tigress, I’m not a queen.
I’m a force to be reckoned with.
Let words not reduce me, control me, undermine me.
The euphoria of music is never truly captured by its score.
The beauty of humans is never truly captured by words.

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Published by milomi10

Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I can’t dream.

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