calm- poem

in another world, we’re calm.
we’re not agitated or afraid or trembling
or turbulent or impatient or livid
or morose or bitter or crestfallen.
we’re calm.

in another world, we’re smiling as
thick, sticky honey dribbles down our chins and
resilient red strawberries stain our tongues.
our faces are messed in whipped cream and our
hands hold pulped, tangerine oranges and our
feet barely open the oven for the apple crumble in time-
we’re calm.

in another world, we’re slow dancing to
christine mcvie and john mayer.
we’re losing balance and losing ourselves and
laughing a laugh as true as the sun,
as open as the sky.
our home hums this graceful song like the songbirds,
who sing like they know the score,
and we know-
we’re calm.

in another world, we’re rejoicing as
we’re running towards something worth living for;
your hand is the key to my locked fist- together we’re
sprinting through the fields of daffodils and daisies,
towards that ocean of dreams we’ve longed for.
our clothes are sandy, our hair is tangled, our hearts are beating
boom boom boom
and we’re not afraid anymore.
we’re calm.

in another world, we’re living the
freedom we’ve only been promised till now- we waited on the world to change
and we decided to do it ourselves.
we’re grinning as we spot the Big Dipper in a canvas of constellations,
we’re wide-eyed at heaven,
may she envelope us in her beauty.
we’re marvelling earth as she hugs us in cool dew and
kisses us in moonlight and
cradles us in this calmness, this hugeness, this coloured life.

in another world,
we’re alive.

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Published by milomi10

Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I can’t dream.

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